As to the file location, it doesn't really matter too much where exactly you put them. The standard is to make a directory with some ingenious name, say XXX, and make there 4 parallel subdirectories: XXX\commonClasses (uncompress the commonClasses_240201.tar.gz archive here) XXX\quick_thresh_scan (uncompress the threshold scan program archive, qts_240201.tar.gz , in this dir) XXX\run_adc (uncompress the test vectors program archive, run_adc_240201.tar.gz , in this dir) XXX\run_tv (uncompress the test vectors program archive, run_tv_240201.tar.gz , in this dir) There should be *.dsw files in directories quick_thresh_scan, run_tv and run_adc after uncompression. Those stand for VC workspaces and define enviroments for the programs. You can either double-click on such file to open the program, or in the "File" menu go to "Open Workspace..." and find this file. When you do this for the 1st time, there may be a message about "files generated with previous version of VC" and a question if you want to convert to the newer version. It is safe to go ahead and agree to do the conversion. After you have opened the workspace, you should be able to select a "File View" tab on a sub-window on the left side of the big VC window and select a file with the source code. If you double-click on the file, it is going to be opened in the editor on the right-hand side. About nivxi.h, datasize.h, busacc.h, devinfo.h files -- they are from NIVXI software (a supplement to NatInst hardware, usually installed in C:\NIVXI\ location). We need this stuff to talk to the system via MXI/VME. The software was present on the PC attached to the intended prob station back in January, altho I don't remember the directory. You may want to check the following settings to be sure that VC enviroment knows about NIVXI software: -- in the window obtained by clicking thru the following options: Project --> Settings --> Link --> Category = General, there is a file "nivxint.lib" mentioned (without quotes) in the list of Object/library modules; -- in the window obtained by clicking thru the following options: Project --> Settings --> C/C++ --> Category = Preprocessor, there is a "VXINT" word mentioned (without quotes) in the list of Preprocessor definitions; -- in the window obtained by clicking thru the following options: Tools --> Options --> Directories --> Include files, there is a c:\nivxi\include directory (assuming that NIVXI stuff has been placed in c:\nivxi) in the list of include directories; -- in the window obtained by clicking thru the following options: Tools --> Options --> Directories --> Library files, there is a c:\nivxi\win32\msc directory. The fact that VC couldn't find nivxi.h and other files indicates that c:\nivxi\include directory wasn't specified, but you might want to check that other things in the list are ok. The way VC is organized, the lists of include and library directories stay when you change between different workspaces/projects. So, you only have to modify these lists once for the diagnostic software programs. The VXINT word and nivxint.lib may have to be put in individually for all 3 workspaces, if they are not there (they should be there if you are using the workspaces/project files for the programs). When you compile the programs, directory called "Debug" is created in the corresponding program sub-directory, and the executable file is placed there. You can run it by either double-clicking on the file from Windows Explorer or directly from VC, by clicking on Build --> Execute... menu. The quick_thresh_scan program creates data files called cal*_line_*.out in either quick_thresh_scan directory (if you've run it from under VC) or in Debug directory (if you double-clicked on the executable). Either way, console_show*.cxx files have to know about the location. This is specified by "home_pwd" variable in the script. The console_show*.cxx scripts are run in root, which is a visualization package from CERN. It is available from . We use version 2.23. Root software was instaled on the PC in January. The executable is something like C:\root\bin\root.exe (if it was installed on C:\ disk, I don't remember where exactly it was placed). Inside root, you run a script by issuing ".x" (without qotes, note the dot) command: root> .x console_show_all_128.cxx For this particular script, 4 windows with plots should be created. You may have to specify a full path to the script (say "c:/root/macros/console_show_all_128.cxx" -- note the unix-like forward slash signs), if the script is not in the current directory for root. You can change the directory by issuing gSystem.ChangeDirectory command: root> gSystem.ChangeDirectory("c:/root/desired_dir") The TCanvas is a display window object and TGraph is a, well, graph/plot object. Both of these are defined internally in root. There is some on-line help information on the following pages.