Operating Manual for LBNL ATLAS SCT Electrical Tests 2004

Updated Feb/2/2004
For old Version Click here.

Testing Procedure Summary Table

Test Name Test Duration Thermistor Temp Chiller Dial Setting Voltage Setting Test Location/Setup PC Station
Hybrid Initial 1 hour 23oC 19oC LV ON 6-hybrid metal fixture stsdaq3
Hybrid Longterm Cold 24 hours 0oC -8.5oC LV ON 6-hybrid metal fixture stsdaq3
Hybrid Longterm Warm 24 hours 37oC 34.5oC LV ON 6-hybrid metal fixture stsdaq3
Post Fanout Confirm. 5 minutes 23oC 19oC LV ON 6-hybrid metal fixture stsdaq3
Module I-V Curve 5 minutes 15oC 14oC LV off/ Ramping selection ' 4' light-tight box stsdaq0
Module Characterization ~1 hour 27oC 15oC LV ON/ HV at 200V light-tight box stsdaq0
Thermal Cycling 20 hours - -25oC to 40oC cycles LV off/ HV at 0V environmental chamber 1 stsdaq2
Module Longterm ~24 hours 0oC -14oC LV ON/ HV at 200V environmental chamber 1 stsdaq2
Thermal Cycling 20 hours - -25oC to 40oC cycles LV off/ HV at 0V environmental chamber 2 stsdaq1
Module Longterm ~24 hours 0oC -18oC LV ON/ HV at 200V environmental chamber 2 stsdaq1

Links to Common Pages:
Wafer Analysis SCT DB Instructions When the tests finish Environmental chamber Perl Scripts

Hybrid and Module Tests

The VME crate should be on at all times. However, if power cycling needs to occur, disconnect the hybrid/module before commencing with power cycling. Reconnect the hybrid/module after turning on the VME crate. Turning on the power while a hybrid/module is connected may damage it with an initial power surge. After turning on the VME crate, don't forget to run TM explorer.



For both the longterm burn-in and short room-temperature electrical tests, hybrids are tested on a metal cooling fixture. The patch and support cards are screwed into the fixture to ensure proper grounding. Dry air is circulated into the box at all times. Be sure to follow proper hybrid handling procedure.You may want to check the air by wetting your finger and holding it over the air needle.


Once modules are put in their protective metal and glass box, they should not be removed; with the exception of a shortage of boxes or rework. The boxes are cooled when tests are running to keep a thermistor measurement of approximately room temperature. Dry air is circulated through at all times. For the longterm electrical test and the thermal cycling test, the module box is placed inside a programmable environmental chamber. The chamber is programmed with the Watlow program. During the short electrical tests, module boxes are placed in a light-tight box to minimize light-induced leakage current.

Running the tests on hybrids or modules

    Make sure that the VME crate is powered on. If it is not, turn it on before connecting the hybrid or module. And don't forget to run TM explorer to initialize the VME crate.
    Install devices as described above.
    Make sure that the dry air is flowing.
    Turn on chiller. More information on specific chillers. In the folder D:\sctvar\config, check that the st_system_config.dat file defines the correct modules/hybrids. System configuration instructions.
    In the same directory, check that the proper .det files exist for the hybrids/modules under test. Especially if the hybrid has a chip with LGS. For hybrids, we will use default.det file for simplicity. However each module needs its own specific .det file where we list the capacitor factors for each chip. Make sure that the .trim and .mask files do not exist unless they are specifically required. (Note: the .trim and .mask files will not be needed under normal testing circumstances) Specific configuration instructions.
    Run the testing software (ST.bat icon on the top-left corner of the desktop). Enter 'ASC' for a user name.
    Check that the power has come on and that the temperatures and currents are at the appropriate levels on the Burst Display window. (Idd ~560/590 mA, Icc ~980/1100 mA for hybrids/modules. Idet = 0 for hybrids and should be < 5 mA for modules.) If no tests are running, the numbers are updated every 10 seconds via the BURST display window.

    For module testing, the IV Curve is run with LV off, and the chiller set to 15oC. Ramp Up with option 4 - 500V in 25V steps and return to 200V when completed for the IV Curve. If the module has a micro-discharge continue with the test don't condition it, all conditioning is done down stairs now. However, if the micro-discharge was so great that the HV tripped and returned to 0V (instead of 200V) then you tell someone and  When the IV Curve is complete, leaving low voltage on and HV at 200V, run the Characterization Test. For a detailed description of this step see Module Initial Testing
    Start the appropriate testing sequence. For the Characterisation Test, use a scope to answer the Hard Reset test questions. (Note: due to windows bugs, you must enter space 1 to answer "yes" to the Hard Reset test questions).
    All other tests continue without intervention. The Characterisation Test takes a total of about one hour per hybrid or module to complete. For 6 hybrids/modules the test can take all day. The longterm tests currently take 90h for warm hybrids plus 10h for cold hybrids; and 24h for modules, although these times will be reduced with experience among the SCT community. Description of the electrical tests.
    Monitor the tests while they are running to catch any program crashes as soon as possible. General information about the testing software and Electrical Test Specifications (Testing Manual)
    All results files should be archived and transfered immediately after completion of the tests to maintian the website in a timely fashion. Here's what to do When the Tests Finish .
    Check that the hybrid/module passed each test in the results text file (serialnumber_date.txt) and that the ps files look appropriate. How to analyze results. Then update the appropriate online summaries including the Progress Summary if necessary and the Test and Channel Summary.
    If you want to compare the resulting hybrid data to the wafer data, follow these instructions.
    Shut down the software by first clicking the "LVOff" button, and then use the ".q" command. Sometimes this doesn't exit the software completely and the ".q" command must be used a second time.

    When sctdaq has exited, check that the LV and HV power lights are off. If they are not, restart the software and immediately "Exit" again. This should turn off the power correctly.
    Turn the chiller off, taking care to keep the module in a dry air environment until it reaches room temperature to avoid any danger of condensation. This means that, unless you are certain that the hybrid/module is at least 19oC, you should never open a hybrid fixture or stop the circulation of dry air in a module container. If you do remove a hybrid/module from dry air circulation, (which would of course be at least 19oC), then go to the next step:
    Disconnect devices under test; put the hybrid/module in the dry air cabinet for safe keeping.
    Record in the logbook every test for each hybrid/module; include time started and time completed. Be sure to include any comments about unusual events or results, including crashing software and any retests. Update "Test_and_Channel_Summary.xls" and "Testing_Checklist.xls" on stsdaq3 (Desktop/Channel Stuff), and upload "Test_and_Channel_Summary.xls" to pxs. Move the appropriate magnet on the board to the next square. Again, make sure that the results have been properly uploaded to the website (step 14).